Wednesday, March 29, 2017


For years I thought that I was a quilter.. ..
Then I started knitting. So I became a quilter who is knitting.... and now after a few crocheting 
projects, I think I can say that I'm a quilter who knits and crochets. (not to speak about cross-stitch, if only I had more time......)

On Instagram I came across a woman who crochets very sweet cuddles toys.  I was happy to see that she sells her patterns on Etsy. A few weeks ago I made this bunny.  
I couldn't resist to make another one. It's the same pattern only without a cap and I sewed down her ears. 

- The white bunny is crocheted with Scheepjes Softfun, a cotton/acryl blend.
- The beige bunny (actually I think she looks like a dog) is crocheted with Annell Malmedy, a 100%   superwash wool. The yarn is a bit thinner as the Scheepjes yarn., so this bunny/dog became a bit smaller.  I crocheted both with a 1,75mm hook. 

Only, look at their arms.. I think something went wrong with reading the pattern.

 Beside crafting I'm a bird lover.  This blue tit couple found their home in my garden. Yes! 

A few weeks ago I found this plant at a garden store.
 'String of Hearts', very popular in the 70's.
I searched for it for a long time.  

 Back to quilting.
Today the batting that I ordered came in. Quilter's Dream Cotton Request.
 Time to baste this top. Can't wait to finish it. 

I'm also ready for some mindless knitting, a take along project. 
That will be pink socks. Pink the color of blossoms.



Carolien said...

Dag Lucy,

Wat een schattige konijntjes!
Veel breiplezier met je bloesemsokken ;)

Fijne dag eng roeten, Carolien

P.S. Mijn schoonzus en zwager zijn heel happy met de Jacobs ladder quilt, dank nog voor het mogen tonen van de jouwe, de inspiratiebron. Dag!

susanhal said...

all the lovely things ... you make me want to knit pink socks too .
susan xx

David said...

LOVE the quilt and the bunnies ;-)

jayne said...

I love all you do Lucy - I am just a quilter but so wish I had learned to knit along the way.... :)
I keep watching all you do you, are just an inspiration!!! By the way - love the plant!!!!
Have a happy day!

Phyllis said...

Don't you wish there were 48 hours in a day? So we could do everything? Love the crochet toys... the little legs :-)!

Janet said...

Your bunnies are adorable! I love the picture of the bird flying out of the birdhouse - wow! That dream request batting is so lovely to quilt through - I hope basting goes fast so you can get to the good part 😃

Marie said...

OH! So cute! And as for all of the crafts that you apply your talented hands to, I think that's a common ailments for quilters everywhere. You do beautiful work.

quilting Jeannet said...

Echt iets voor jou Lucy die gehaakte haasjes, geweldig, en verder een heel herkenbaar blogje, de vogels, het quilten, ik haak alleen nog niet, maar misschien is dat een kwestie van tijd.......

frameless mind said...

Kan begrijpen dat je deze konijntjes absoluut wou maken. Ze zijn zó schattig. Ik heb eens naar haar Instagram foto's gekeken. Prachtig!!
Er ligt weer een prachtige top te wachten op wat quiltsteekjes. Het zal weer mooi worden!!

Taryn said...

I am now a quilter who knits and it is hard to stop knitting and go back to quilting. I am sure the novelty will wear thin sometime and the quilting will be waiting for me. Your little bunnies (and yes the floppy ear one looks like a cute dog) are sweet.

Anonymous said...

Just love your little nesting birds, they match the sweet trellis. Beautiful photos, anxious to see how you quilt this four patch. Happy Spring!

Kleine Vingers said...

De quilt ziet er mooi uit, en de gehaakte knuffels zien er leuk uit. Succes met quilten

Snickelfritz said...

Love all your projects. I'm also a quilter who is a knitter after I learned to knit socks last year. Now I don't know which I like better, but they both keep me busy and happy. Maybe I should take up crochet now after seeing your darling bunnies. Hmmmmm.

Supergoof said...

Aah wat zijn ze schattig!
Ook met die armpjes!!

Willy said...

Wat zijn ze lief!
En dat slaat eigenlijk op alles wat ik zie op je foto's.

helen said...

Re-visiting your blog-post, I just saw the lovely backing-fabric for your beautiful quilt! 😍
Best wishes and have a great week!

Raewyn said...

Your wee bunnies are adorable! You always have some beautiful projects at your place :-) And of course I love your photographs!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Your bunnies are adorable. I worked in a greenhouse in the 70's and those "String of Hearts" plants were indeed popular. I love you sweet quilt top.Thanks for sharing.

Evelyne said...

O, wat weer een leuk gehaakt konijntje. Ik heb hem meteen besteld en hoop uit de Engelse beschrijving van de steken te komen.
De quilttop is super qua kleuren, ben benieuwd naar het eind resultaat!
Rose sokken super!

Fijne en creatieve week,

Karen said...

I think the bunnies are perfect as they are and very very cute! I am a quilter who knits, crochets, cross stitches, makes clothes, smocks, embroiders, needle punches, and rug hooks. None at a fast pace so not many projects accomplished but all of it fun. Drawn to thin to think threads woven together through those mediums making them come into one piece. All play.